Impact Evaluation of Policies, Projects and Programmes

It is no longer acceptable for organisations to simply report to their stakeholders how scarce resources are expended. The general public is now demanding to know the impact of an organisation’s policies, programmes and activities on improving the lives of people.

Our course offers a route to understanding impact evaluation in practice. We show how an organisation can institutionalise impact evaluation into its culture, policies, programmes and practices. The course relates impact evaluation to the performance management system of organisations.

We provide participants with a core set of tools, concepts and methods to conduct quantitative and qualitative impact evaluations. We demonstrate how impact evaluation can strengthen the decision-making capability of the organisation.

Impact evaluations are necessary to improve effectiveness and efficiencies, gather evidence for programme offerings and provide a transparent way to justify budgetary allocations.

This course is a must for people involved with policy-making, skills planning, and programme implementation.

We provide an easy-to-use approach to impact evaluation. Our workshop will make a difference to your organisation.

Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course, participants are able to:

  • Understand the different modalities of impact evaluation.
  • Formulate impact evaluation questions and hypotheses.
  • Identify impact evaluation designs that fit into the operational context and budget.
  • Develop impact targets and align to systems, policy-making and programme offerings.
  • Devise operational steps for managing and commissioning impact evaluations.
  • Evaluate case studies.

Learning Methods:

The course is based grounded firmly in learner-centred approaches. It requires critical analysis, reflection and deep discussion of complex issues by participants. The course integrates theory with practice and gives considerable weighting to practitioner experiences. This enables rapid implementation of new skills to the work environment.

Learning is experiential and results-based; methods are active, participatory and practice-oriented and make use of information and communication technology (ICT). At least 60% of the time is used for structured and facilitated learning through sharing experience among practitioners, practical exercises and applications (no more than 40% presentations by experts).

The course is benchmarked internationally for new insights and contextual relevance.

The following methods are used to deliver the programme:

  • Individual and group presentations by participants
  • Group work of a “hands-on” nature
  • Case study analysis
  • Individual activities

Participants are encouraged to share ideas, relate common problems and create networks after the programme is completed.

We also offer coaching and mentoring services to key staff post-training to build knowledge and skills in this field.

Major Themes:

The major themes are:

  • Basics of impact evaluation
  • Impact evaluation for policy and programme decisions
  • Preparing staff for impact evaluation
  • Models of impact evaluation
  • Formulating questions and hypotheses
  • Developing and implementing impact evaluation
  • Managing and commissioning impact evaluation
  • Aligning impact evaluation to the performance management system
  • Reporting on impact evaluation
  • Institutionalising impact evaluation

Target Audience:

The course is ideal for policy-makers, planners, researchers, trade unionists, employer representatives, education managers, consultants, municipal officials, NGO employees and people involved in skills planning and labour market information systems, growth strategies, skills strategies and industrial policy.

Employees working in the following departments are encouraged to attend: national, provincial and local governments departments; public sector agencies and parastatals; training authorities; TVET Colleges and universities; trade unions; employer associations; companies; research institutes and NGOs.


The course is delivered over 2 days.


Due to our commitment to customise the learning intervention to meet specific client needs, we encourage group bookings of a minimum of 10 participants or more per cohort. On confirmation of the delivery date, we will engage the client on customisation priorities. The course is delivered either on-site or off-site depending on client preferences.


Prof Hoosen Rasool

Mobile: 083 786 9329 Email:

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